A Little About Us
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel (BBBS) accompanies and pairs volunteers - 'Big Brothers' (over the age of 18), to mentees - 'Little Brothers' in need of an older and supportive figure in their lives. Our Big Brothers meet with their Little Brothers for a two-hour session once a week (for a minimal period of one year), to be there for them: to talk, share, and have fun
Join Us
We at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel continue to operate at all times, especially during crises. We are always there for our younger siblings, but we need your help to reach more children, adolescents, and young people who are waiting for us
Mentorship Stories
Tiran & Eyal
Each of us has their own inner melody. Sometimes we choose to share our melody with someone and come to listen to theirs. Meet Tiran and Eyal, who play for us on the strings of the heart
Receiving a Mentor
With over 600 volunteer inquiries per year, we carefully select each individual so that our younger brothers and sisters will have the most suitable pairings. In order for us to handle your inquiry, this form needs to be filled out by a social worker or a school counselor and then securely sent to us.
Our Videos
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