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Purple Podiums

Our Partners in Action

היום אנחנו נפרדים מאחת העובדות שלנו - אריאל.
אריאל הייתה רכזת סניפי אור יהודה וגבעתיים בעמותה במשך שנתיים.
נפגשנו כולנו לפרידה מאריאל, העלנו חוויות מהעבר וצחקנו יחד. "אחרי שנתיים משמעותיות, מאתגרות, יפות ומלמדות מסיימת את דרכי בעמותה. בהזדמנות זו אני רוצה להגיד קודם כל תודה לצוות, על עבודה משותפת, למידה ותמיכה אחד בשני.
כמובן שגם המון תודה לצמדים שליוויתי בסוף לראות אתכם ביחד ואת הקשרים שנרקמים, שווה את כל הקושי שבדרך
אז אמליץ לכולם בהזדמנות זו להצטרף לחונכות במקום שיכול להיות בשבילכם בית! ❤️"


✨This morning, the last ceremony of the "Reading buddies" program for the 2024 school year took place!
It was very exciting! The students read a passage they had prepared in advance, received certificates of excellence and prepared bookmarks for each other as a gift.
This year the program operated in three different schools - and about 250 students participated! 🤩✨


There is a child somewhere who needs you ✨
Big brothers big sisters of Israel (NGO) is looking for more volunteers with a warm heart and a desire to change.
The association connects children, teenage boys and girls, and young men and women from all over the country, who need a significant adult in their lives, with volunteers.
The volunteering is in a residential area near you.
In addition to volunteering, you will also receive accompaniment, training, tithes and activities.


Following the final of the Champions League last night, we found you a fun, easy and creative football activity ⚽️💪
In the attached link there is an explanation of how to make a small soccer table using a shoebox, skewers, markers and clothespins! You are welcome to create a football table and take a picture of the process for us or take a picture of who won the tournament which you certainly did😉


The 76th Independence Day
The transition between Memorial Day and Independence Day is never easy, but this year is more difficult. The separation is less and the boundaries blur. Our hearts are with those lost and those on the frontline and at the same time, we want to celebrate. Celebrate that we are still here, despite all the difficulties. We here at big brothers big sisters Israel wanted to wish you that even if the celebrations are smaller this year, and even if there are no fireworks (in the heart or outside) you will still remember the forces that are hidden deep inside and only in moments like these are revealed.
Have a happy independence day!


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